What we do?

As Waymakers, we are a group of dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds in Kochi, united by a common vision and purpose. Our mission is to work together for the upliftment of people and society. Here is an overview of what we do:

  1. Provision and Clothing Distribution: We organize drives to collect and distribute provisions, including food and essential supplies, to individuals and families in need. Additionally, we collect and distribute clothing to help meet the basic needs of marginalized individuals in our community.
  1. Support for Students: Education is a powerful tool for empowerment. We provide support to students by offering academic resources, mentorship programs, and tutoring assistance. Our aim is to enhance educational opportunities and equip students with the necessary tools to succeed.
  1. Counseling Services: We understand the importance of mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, we provide counseling services to youth and their families, addressing various issues such as mental health, family conflicts, career guidance, and personal development. Our trained counselors create a safe and supportive environment for individuals to seek guidance and support.
  1. Campaign Against Drugs and Alcohol: Substance abuse is a pressing social issue. We actively campaign against drugs and alcohol by organizing awareness programs, workshops, and community events. Our objective is to educate people about the risks and consequences of substance abuse, promote a drug-free and alcohol-free lifestyle, and support individuals struggling with addiction.

These are some of the key areas we focus on, but our work extends beyond them. We continuously seek to identify and address various social issues that impact our community. Through collaboration with local organizations, businesses, government bodies, and like-minded individuals, we aim to maximize our impact and create positive and lasting change.

By distributing provisions and clothing, supporting students, providing counseling services, and campaigning against drugs and alcohol, we strive to uplift individuals, promote education and well-being, and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. Together, we are Waymakers, committed to making a difference in Kochi.

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